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- 2 月 18 日星期六
美国副总统乔·拜登警告说,俄罗斯“卷入了假旗行动,有理由进去”,很有可能入侵乌克兰。 拜登声称,叛乱分子在俄罗斯的支持下炮击乌克兰东部是“大规模挑衅”。 1 月 26 日,美国拒绝让步莫斯科停止北约在东欧扩张的要求,促使俄罗斯驱逐了一名美国外交官。 此外,自周五以来,美国至少发生了十起大规模枪击事件。 上周末,费城一个著名的夜生活区爆发了枪战。 田纳西州查塔努加发生枪击事件,造成至少 14 人受伤,另有 3 人死亡。 许多额外的枪击事件迫使全国各地的执法机构保持警戒状态。 在南卡罗来纳州萨默顿的一次高中毕业派对上,八人中弹,其中一人死亡。
- The POGCast is here!在 General Discussion 中·February 8, 2023The POGCast, our new podcast about humorous topics (by Evan Petersen) is now out! Check it out on the website now!129
- American History: The Podcast!在 General Discussion 中·February 26, 2023Hello TWN Members, A new podcast has arrived! This new podcast sponsored by The Weekly News is about the history of the US, and how certain important events have shaped the evolution of the country. Enjoy listening to this new podcast by Henry Kelly: American History Stories sponsored by The Weekly News! Sincerely, TWN Admin113
- Shoutout Possibility!在 General Discussion 中·July 12, 2022Hello TWN Members! From now on, every month, you have a chance to get a shoutout on our website! Every time you send us a screenshot of you forwarding our newsletter to someone by posting it in this forum, you earn a point. When you rack up three points in one month, you get the chance to compete in a raffle to earn a shoutout on our website. If no one enters, a TWN team member will be featured. Every additional point you get that month after three points have been accumulated will be another 'ticket' entered in the raffle. But how do you send us a screenshot? It's easy! First, forward the newsletter to someone else. Then, go to your sent mailbox and screenshot the email that you sent, because forwarding an email will appear in your sent mailbox. Finally, post that screenshot as a picture in a post on this forum, and we will get back to you! We hope you have fun with this challenge! Are you up for it? Sincerely, TWN Admin306
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