Trouble in the Los Angeles Port
Ships are getting stuck in the seaport in Los Angeles, CA. But why?
Seaport workers help unload cargo ships. But when the pandemic hit, many L.A. seaport workers got COVID-19. This reduced the amount of workers able to unload ships which led to a really long line of ships waiting.
This situation is leading to poor business for companies such as Technicolor SA & Cox Communications; who are not getting the products that they need.
But California is taking action. Many people and companies applauded the arrival of a 2.3 billion dollar infrastructure bill.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed the state’s upcoming fiscal year budget, which includes a surprising $2.3 billion for port infrastructure improvements and upgrades. The budget also sets aside $110 million for the creation of a new Goods Movement Training Campus at the San Pedro Bay port complex in Southern California near Los Angeles.
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By Mihir Gupta