Ships are getting stuck in the seaport in Los Angeles, CA. But why?
Seaport workers help unload cargo ships. But when the pandemic hit, many L.A. seaport workers got COVID-19. This reduced the amount of workers able to unload ships which led to a really long line of ships waiting.
This situation is leading to poor business for companies such as Technicolor SA & Cox Communications; who are not getting the products that they need.
But California is taking action. Many people and companies applauded the arrival of a 2.3 billion dollar infrastructure bill.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed the state’s upcoming fiscal year budget, which includes a surprising $2.3 billion for port infrastructure improvements and upgrades. The budget also sets aside $110 million for the creation of a new Goods Movement Training Campus at the San Pedro Bay port complex in Southern California near Los Angeles.
By Mihir Gupta